
Monday, August 20, 2012

The 'ol Weekend Recap


I blogged yesterday, but that was to make up for not posting allow me to recap ;-)

~Juuust so you know I'm still getting my Insanity on. I don't want you to think that since I didn't post a Fitness Friday thingy that I'm slackin!~

OK movin' right along.

Saturday...I went to my sister and cousins Pamper Yourself day. Who knew soaking your feet in hot water with foot soak felt so good?? Add to To Do list more often! And Pesto Pizza...yes please. If anyone needs a Mary Kay or Pampered Chef consultant...I'll hook ya up!

Saturday night....we had date night! I mean...really. Out to dinner...with public...sayyy whatt?! We pulled into the gas station and he said we were eating here and having pizza...
In real life though, we kicked it up a few notches and went to Longhorn Steakhouse. The wait at Red Lobster was an hour (!) ..for real? I don't even like lobster but I didn't think an hour worth of people DID. So at Longhorn we proceeded to sit at the bar while we waited for our to us was a former "nam" vet who smokes pot and likes cheesecake. I can't make this stuff up.

That pizza isn't sounding so bad.

Sunday was my sisters birthday, so we celebrated it by having Nate open the present she sent for HIS birthday early haha. Before you judge my wrapping skills, just know that I under normal circumstances am prepared to wrap (i.e. Christmas time. i.e. ho ho ho filler wrapping paper lol)

Nate didn't seem to mind, he's a fan of the paper peel method....he likes suspense
Thats happiness right there. Also...don't you love the Woody PJs?
Before BBQ'n could start, it was time to mow the lawn.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't get any cuter than that.

And since I meant to give a birthday shout out to my sister Colleen yesterday and I somehow forgot, I'll do it today! Happy Birthday my beautiful sista :-)
back in the Cali days!

While looking for a picture of us, I came across this gem. During one of my visits to Cali I put this wig on and it we almost peed ourselves laughing, we thought it was so funny. Wait, it still is lol
Ok I only have one more thing. A picture of Ava from this weekend, just because she's so damn cute
I love her lil leg sticking out :-)


1 comment:

  1. well you KNOW I'm going to comment on this blog :) Thank you for taking pics of him opening the bbq, I love the smile on his face!! Oh boy you had to bring the wig pic out!! That was SO fun having you out there :) What does Matt think of you as a brunette?? :) Love all the pics as usual. Glad you and Matt finally had a date night - make sure too add those in more often.... xoxo
