
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Suzie Homeaker

Welll helllooo there!!

Be prepared for words.

Today I'm going to chat chit about my domestic/homemaking ish thus far.

About me trying to get that whole thing down.

While I think I'm making strides there is definitely room for improvement. Never ever did I think I would be a stay at home mom (or SAHM's I guess is what we're called?). I always said if I won the lottery (and by if I mean when) I'd still have a side job, ya know, just cause. Well here I am, a SAHM. And it's not as easy as you may think (because I had thought what you're hard could it be?). I had some assumptions. I assumed there would be redecorating (side note - you need extra mula for that), that I could workout when I wanted, make fancy shmancy dinners, have a spotless house, hang outside doing outside stuff. (OK maybe I knew better than that, but I had high hopes. Nothing wrong with that).
 Lets see...I have lots of decorating ideas saved on my computer , I'm lucky if I can follow a workout routine for a week, the crockpot is my savior,  I haven't figured out how to budget for a housekeeper...yet (that's where the lotto thing comes in) and alot of times we just don't make it outside.

So, unless you're a Beverly Hills mom with a nanny, you've got some work cut out for you. (Yes, I may of watched all available episodes of Beverly Hills Nannies that were available on demand this morning.) But don't hate. I was up with a certain toddler at 4:15am...not mentioning any names...I think I deserved some down time.
Great show btdubs. And the nanny ringleader, Kristin, is ridiclously pretty:

 It probably sounds like I'm complaining, but I promise I'm not. I'm just wanting to wipeout any misconceptions you may have about a SAHM (...apparently I like the acronym). I've also been up since 4am. Ooh I said that already. Really though, I realize how very lucky and blessed I am to be able to stay home with my little ones. Mold them (into said housekeepers... jk!!....maybe), help them grow and watch them reach each and every new milestone.

Which brings me to developing routines.

We have morning and nap time pretty much down. What I never really had was the whole bath and bedtime story combo. I kind of underestimated it. I know, I know,  its a very simple and common concept , but, what can I say. Well it is here and here to stay! Nate is finally over his "the bath is the devil" stage...not really sure where that came from and he actually sits for a story. Or two. Or five. And I honestly think I love storytime more than him. He curls up on my lap and its a great way to end the day, for both of us.

OOOOK well then that's enough for today, eh! More babbling on meal planning, decorating, and fitness to come. I don't want to use up all of my blog post ideas in one! AND my gourmet crockpot dinner is ready.

 If you're still reading this, you're probably my sister. So, thanks Colleen ;-)
 If you're not my sister and you're still reading this.... Love ya mean it!



  1. Yep I was still reading - and ahem! I'm the best commenter you have :) This blog is great though b/c it gives me more insight to your daily life and lets me feel a little closer since I'm oh so far away from you guys :(

  2. I am not your sister but close...still loving it. It takes so much to be a mom, so keep those thoughts we are all experiencing coming. It's funny how sometimes hearing someone else express the same craziness you have experienced makes you laugh and realize being a mom is the hardest, stressful at times, most wonderful rewarding thing ever and we wouldn't trade for the world.

  3. Love you Colleen! I do what I can ;-)

    April you could not be more right on all counts! It's definitely nice to be able to relate and know you're not the only one thinking/doing/saying this mom stuff! muah!
