
Thursday, August 9, 2012


OK. Soooo everything I had considered talking about today:

-How I started Insanity (I'm alive but dead after the fit test...results = zero fit as in not fit)

-How Ava turned 3 months today
(Happy 3 Months sweet angel girl)

-Another Awkward/Awesome post
you know you have

-Maybe a link up with some awesome girls who started an Always/Sometimes/Never post

ALL went out the window when I went into the living room and saw poop on Nate. A blob of poop on the floor. Poop on his LEG and FOOT.

We are dog sitting for our friend so I naturally blamed her first. (sorry, Zoey)

Giiirlllll you know that wasn't me.

But THEN I saw poop coming out of Nate's diaper.  I found the poop master.

Post poop party. You're still cute.

I can't even focus because I'm still recovering from all of this. It was more intense than my fit test. Insanity in the diaper, if you will.

I'd like to see Shaun T "dig deeper!!" into that.
show off.

That's all I have for today.  It's time to meet with Sir Walter. And clean my carpets.


P.S. If you want to read those Always/Sometimes/Never posts start  here.

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