
Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Ohemgee. It was Saturday and I needed to go out in public. My kids needed to see there was more to life than our house and yard. So the most logical place to go...Ikea!! I haven't been there in awhile and I wanted to walk around and get some ideas and start a list of things I want need :) Like my dream kitchen that I found. (Really upset I didn't take a picture of it). So I recruited my mom and we went. The place was packed. Great people watching. And a couple's fight. Success!

Some may say that their stuff is cheap (some of it is) but I say I have two kids and it gets the job done! And there's a ton of cute little things that you can get. Like these:
Which Nate turned into this:

Among my wish list is this lamp for Ava's room *that's still a work in progress
Aaaaand this sweater blanket..I can picture myself cuddled in this with a pumpkin spice latte

While we're at this chair

OK well I hate to bounce from my less than stellar blog post...that's a day late ... but I need to get my Insanity on before Nate wakes up from his nap and climbs out of his crib. OH yeah we do that now.

look what I can do

I leave you with one question. Does this ready "Get money, Mo money" ooor "Get Mo Money Money"??  Either way, sign me up.



  1. Two questions - what were the couple fighting about and also - can you get me that sweater blanket too? I like it. :)

    1. Basically he was not impressed that he had to be there. He said you can do this stuff on your own, and she said if I want you here I want you here! I couldn't even focus on mom because I needed to hear this!

  2. i love ikea too! :)
    p.s. i'm your newest follower :)

    xo brie

    1. Ahhhh I'm sooo excited!! I love your blog, you're so cute! Thank you for following!! XOXO

      p.s. aren't the commercials funny too? love 'em!
