Friday, August 10, 2012

Fitness Friday

Dear Shaun T,

By dig deeper, did you mean .. dig deeper into your floor? Because that's where I found myself. After only day 2, you and I have a love/hate relationship. How does that happen in two days?

I know it's going to be a vicious cycle, Shaun T, because I will keep coming back fo mo!
 ...Even though I look extremely sun burnt afterwards and continue to sweat after my shower.

Until tomorrow,
Sweatbox Sarah

Insanity: Insanity, craziness or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns.

Sounds about right! Who starts a workout routine on a Thursday anyway, you ask? Apparently me.
the glare.

Allow me to give you a little recap of today:

Plyometric Cardio Circuit
  • WARMUP: Jog, jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, mummy kicks and more (You do 3 circuits of the warmup).
  • CIRCUIT 1: Suicide drill, power squats, mountain climbers, ski down (You do Circuit 1 3 times)
  • CIRCUIT 2: Football sprints (You do Circuit 2 twice)
  • CIRCUIT 3: Basketball shots, push-ups, mountain climbers, burpees, ski drills, in-and-outs (You do Circuit 3 three times)
  • CIRCUIT 4: Jabs, cross-jacks, uppercuts, attacks

Yeahhh so every now and then I went ahead and took my water break a little early. Not going to lie, I was losing my energy by the end! I didn't feel bad though, because the people in the video (not Shaun T of course...he was "checking" everyones form. MMhmmmm.) we're dieing. What do you expect though when you start sweating from the warmup.

It's all going to be worth it though right!.....Right?
pretty much.


P.S. I realize it's only preseason but LETS GO GMENNNNN!!!!

have a great weekend :-)

1 comment:

  1. Every exercise in circuit 3 sucks, I'd probably skip that altogether, although I'm sure those are the ones that help the most, lol...


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