Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dear Hair...

Dear Pregnancy Hair,

Hi. We need to talk. I'm worried because you've started to become MIA here for a little while. Where are you?? OH I my brush, on my floor, on my shirt...EVERYWHERE BUT ON MY HEAD. You show up on pregnant me but then once that little bundle of joy shows up you decide to bounce! I wasn't done styling you :-( Is it the vitamins that you like? Because I've really had all intentions of continuing to take them. If I start again, will you show up once in awhile? My hair is super lame without you. I'm starting to feel like that girl in that witch movie that has her hair fall out all at once. (Note to self: do not google this for a picture. Weiiiird stuff shows up).  Well anyway, I really have nothing left to say to you. Since we're obviously at a different place in our non existent relationship.

Thanks Zero,
Post Prego Poop Hair

I'm not really a cat person but that just makes me laugh. One day I'll have better hair. When I win the lottery. And buy my better hair :-)


P.S. I don't know if you noticed buuuut Little Miss Momma commented on this post. She is the real deal when it comes to blogs. Legit. I was blog-struck. Soooo basically...I'm a pretty big deal now.


  1. I have to say losing my beautiful pregnancy locks was very upsetting considering it ends up literally everywhere. I waited till I was 8months post baby to get a hair cut but man what a difference, I cut 10 inches off. I was very sad to see the body go locks by locks day by day but now my hair is actually thicker than pre pregnancy, still shocked....I could use a hair cut now :/ go treat yourself to a new do and a mani pedi!!!! You deserve it mama!

    1. mani/pedi I'll take! Haircut-no way! When I cut my hair in the beginning of this pregnancy I was over it after a week! I need to stop pretending I'm a short haircut kind of girl! haha Yours looks super cute though :)

  2. Ohhh the joys of pregnancy!!! To go from awesome hair to it falling out...I just can't wait until Dave and I get pregnant!! haha

  3. hi there!! newest follower to your adorable blog! so sorry about your hair! i dont have any kind of personal experience but the momma i used to nanny for went through the same thing! now her hair is soooo long and thick! youll get it back :)

    1. hi!!! did the mom buy it?? haha thank you SO much for following, I'm having fun so far! Hopefully one day it'll get a little makeover and look cute like yours but for now I'll have to keep the bookcase template lol. Hope you come back soon! Love your blog! :)



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