Thursday, September 4, 2014

Body Beast Couples Challenge

I'm so excited to tell you about my first ever COUPES CHALLENGE GROUP! I'm teaming up with my fellow coach Sarah to bring you this awesome opportunity. I've never run a group like this before and I'm really pumped to do this! {P.S. couples consist of any two people!}

This is a really great way to work on something together, achieve goals and form a better relationship. And a little friendly competition never hurt either. The Challenge Group is like any other with a private FB group, filled with lots of motivation, tips, help with eating plans, and of course accountability & support.
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The program we chose to use for our couples challenge is called Body Beast. We both wanted to do a weight lifting program and this is perfect for us and our men! Don't be intimidated by the name, ladies!! YOU WILL NOT BULK UP!!! A few reasons YOU should lift weights:
-Forget about "toning". You will lose FAT. Which in turn will make you look leaner and your clothes will fit better.
-You will burn more calories during your workout and while resting.
-You get to eat more. This may mess with your head at first, but when you are lifting weights, you NEED to fuel your body.
-You'll build stronger bones
-Your heart will be healthier. Think: lower blood pressure and all that goes with having lower blood pressure
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I plan to do another blog post just for my fellow girls who may still not be convinced that lifting weights is in their best interest. So look out for that. Ok but back to the program itself.
So what is Body Beast?
Body Beast is a program created by Sagi Kalev, world-renowned trainer and former two-time Mr. Israel, BB combines extreme workouts, groundbreaking nutrition, and scientifically advanced supplementation.  Whether you're new to lifting weights, or are a certified gym rat, Body Beast will deliver results beyond what you imagined possible.
-Body Beast includes 12 different cutting-edge workouts that fuse the best of old-school resistance training with a new break through in sports science called Dynamic Set Training
-The Body Beast Eating Plan helps you increase in size (Note: Girls you will not get "BULKY"), maintain new muscle growth and cut up to be in the best shape. (I've said before nutrition is KEY to results).
Body Beast is the first training regimen designed to get awesome results in the comfort of your own home. You don't need to join a gym, hire a spotter, or have an Olympic weight lifting set. With dumbbells, correct nutrition, and the desire to work hard, BB will help you pack on LEAN muscle. The best part is Sagi and I will motivate and inspire you along the way!
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body beast, womens body beast results, body beast for women, lose fat, lose weight, weight lifting for women
Why Body Beast instead of  the Gym?
-You'll get incredible results at a fraction of the cost of a gym membership
-You're not just working your muscles, you get at in-depth body building education that you can use long after you've completed the program.
-The Body Beast Eating Plan shows you a healthy, delicious way to eat that will help you build muscle fast-and maintain for the long haul
-The plan also shows you how to supplement the safe, effective, and legal way (ladies I'm only going to be using Shakeology, a pre workout and post workout formula but if you or your other half is interested in the supplements we can chat about them)
You are in control of your results. Guys-if you want to get big we can help you make that happen. Ladies-if you want to lean out and lose fat - we will make that happen. There are 2 different phases you can follow. If you are dedicated and put in the work, you will see results. Trust us and trust the process. This is a new program for us and we will be learning stuff right along with you!
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So a little recap!
Why should you {and your main squeeze} join?
•Save $: 1 challenge pack for 2 people. Sharing is caring
•Save time by not having to travel to and from the gym or worry about child care

•Workout with or without your partner but still do the same program
•Personal trainer "in" your home (Sagi!). Specially designed workout to maximize your results
•Free coach to motivate you and teach you along the way
•Help with meal planning
•Private FB group of others doing the same workout
•Workout + Nutrient Dense Shake + Online Support + your other half = success
•Most importantly-
Lifting weights= more FOOD 

 If you feel like you've tried everything else, why NOT try this? What do you have to lose? (For me I believe it's stubborn post baby - yes still- belly fat)! And if you realize this isn't for you guys - you can return it. I'm throwing that out there because I know it can be scary to dive into something like this.
In a year you'll be happy you started today! So grab your other half and let's get to work!!!
Fill in this application to join our Couples Challenge (one form per couple)
Fill out my online form.
HTML Forms powered by Wufoo.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a newbie and gonna start this BEAST mode thing!! Saw this and downloaded. Thanks!! This makes it so much easier than printing so many pages!!!
    Thanks for taking the time and also for sharing!!!For more information click here. Thanks!


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