Monday, January 20, 2014

Why YOU should do T25

I'm loving P90X3. Heading into week 4 which is a transition week. However, listening to Shaun T on this mornings National Beachbody call I was reminded just how much I love him & the workout T25. So it got me to thinking- 

 Why should YOU d
o T25?
Let me count the ways.
1. The time factor alone. Seriously WHO doesn't have 25 minutes to dedicate to themselves. It's 25 minutes plus a few extra for stretching. So just under 30 minutes 5x/week you can get an amazing effective workout at home. If you truly don't have 25 minutes may I suggest you talk to those around you and tell them you need that time for yourself. If you aren't at your best- how can you be your best for others?
2. This workout makes every second count. Literally.
3. You don't have to be scared to workout. I know it can seem intimidating. Where do you start? What if it's too intense? What if I can't do it? I'm here to tell you you CAN do it. There is even a modifier to follow the whole time. So no matter if you're a beginner, doesn't matter your age, or if you have an injury history. You can do this.
4. Fitness/health and staying motivated ISNT easy. But it can be easier with my support. You can totally succeed at this.
5. Since the formula is laid out for you- the workout/the nutrition and the support- you can make THIS the start to your lifestyle change.
6. It's a 60 day program that you can re do over and over!
7. It's on sale this month when combined with Shakeology. This cost for Shakeo is literally cut more than half when you get the challenge pack from me. What better way to try it out and start out strong?
8. I would be our coach.
9. Shaun T is awesomesauce. SP and ST comin' atchya!
fellow coach Deidra results
Fellow Coach Ashley results
Fellow Coach Jessica results

>>>10. See # 8.

Message me if any of these points resonated with you and let's get going! If I have enough peeps I will open ANOTHER T25 Facebook challenge group!

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