Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Kickstart Challenge|Back to School Edition

Hey friends! Wow. So. How is it mid-way through August and back to school time?? This morning I realized my two toddlers and I were still snoozing away in bed at 7:30 this morning! The snuggle sesh was so nice, however I quickly realized this is not going to fly once September comes! So I found myself looking for ways we are going to transition from the summer schedule to the "school" schedule (even if it's only 3 days a week!)  I'm wondering...are you starting to feel overwhelmed just thinking about the new school year starting?! My son is turning FIVE at the end of this month (that's a whole separate post!) and instead of Kindergarten we are sending him to pre-school for another year. He will be going in the mornings three days a week again. So I'm excited but trying to game plan as well since my current schedule will have to shift. Not that my summer has slowed down ...but we have quite a routine down now with me as a work at home mom and the two kids and I'm hoping to make the transition as easy as possible! I want to help you get on track (or on track!) this fall by running a 30 day health and fitness group.  I'm sure of you moms out there are probably looking at me funny suggesting that you make time to get a workout in and start eating a different way. Moms I know we can feel overwhelmed, stretched too thin, tired and feeling like we have no time for US! TRUST. I know the feeling. But I've found that the investment for just 30 minutes a day not only benefits me (stress reliever, feeling strong, and confidence builder) but makes me a better mom or parent and I know it can do the same for YOU as well. I want to help you feel the best you can. It IS possible, trust me. Below you will find a little outline on what my 30 Day KICKSTART challenge group will look like. Think of it as your new health & fitness syllabus!

-Making the Time-
If you can't wake up any earlier than you do now, find a spot for a half hour everyday where you can workout. If you stay home, that may be during the time one of your kids takes a nap, or when one is at pre-school and you just have to wrangle one child, maybe its when your hubby comes home from work, or after the kids go to bed. To ADD this "me" time to your day, you will probably have to give up something. That may be when you read you surf Pinterest or watch it on DVR, you may have to give up a TV show, or hobby. You've all probably heard it...don't FIND the time MAKE the time.

-Your Why-
Together ,we will figure out your WHY. Your reason for wanting to become healthier and set some goals to get there. It's not enough to just say you want to lose some weight! That won't keep you motivated. When you dig down and figure out what's driving you .... you will make the mental switch to want to workout and prepare healthy meals. You will figure out a way.
-The Requirements-
We are busy as it is, so the workout we pick for you will be one that is 30 minutes or less. We will get you started with Shakeology because honestly, its the easiest healthiest meal of your day. And the benefits are worth-every-penny. We need moms body to run as efficiently as it can, to have more energy, to be able to fight cravings, and get the vitamins and nutrients pumped in so she can do everything she needs to do.

-Option to "KICKSTART" your weight loss-
...with the 3 Day Refresh challenge pack. the 3 Day Refresh is a 3 day cleanse that can jump start weight loss and give you a break from bad habits. It isn't a juice fast, its not a crash diet, and you do not starve. It includes Shakeology for breakfast, a fiber drink, a vanilla refresh protein shake and snack/lunch/dinner food options. I will be starting off the 30 day challenge with this for sure! I lost 4.5lbs when I did it and totally plan on doing it again. It is an option, not required but note that the 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack (including a 30 day supply of Shakeology) is on sale until the end of this month! And you also get a trial of Beachbody On Demand where you can pick your own virtual workout!!! You will love this if you get bored easily!
-The "Class" i.e. Challenge Group-
This challenge group will only be thirty days long. If you show up once a day and check in and I see that your putting in the effort and really trying to change and work towards your goals, we will extend it to another thirty days. I'm not trying to be tough lol, I'm not really that kind of "teacher". I just am writing from my experience of coaching challenge groups for over two years. I will put 110% into you if you show up! I can't want it for you, as much as I try never works that way. I'd love to help every single person that I talk to, but it's not always the right time for them.
I will post daily in our private Facebook group. I will post daily motivation, tips, time saving recipes and websites (ie.crockpot meals), workout advice, and help you stay accountable. I will have you check in once a day rating how your day was. Every once in awhile I will post a little assignment for the day. Having the support of the group is the secret sauce. When you have other people to help inspire you and encourage you, it makes a huge difference.

Listen. I know its not easy. I know it can be a challenge. I know its hard to keep your motivation afloat. I've had 2 pregnancies. 2 c-sections 2 babies. 2 plus years of work. I still have to work towards my goals. I still have setbacks. Weight loss. Weight gain. Plateaus. Learning curves. Struggles. Non scale victories. BUT most of all never giving up. Learning to think positive. Yes it can happen. You can make it a lifestyle change. Progress. You can make time for yourself to workout. You can make better food choices. You can think positively. You can have support doing so. I can give you the tools you just have to be ready to give this to yourself. To give yourself somewhere to start. You deserve it, why not you? Life is about to get busy for a lot of you mamas out there. Start a healthy routine now. Get started now. You will be so thankful you did a month from now, 6 months from now, a year from now. Message me or fill out the form below if you want one of the FIVE open spots in my next challenge group.

To get more information click HERE!!

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