Thursday, January 15, 2015

Resolution Re-Do

resolution, resolution re do, challenge group, lose weight, 21 day fix, lose baby weight, workout for new mom

Resolution Re-Do

Hello! happy half way through January. Can you believe it?

If you are like most people. you set a resolution, or some goals that you would like to achieve starting in January or for the year 2015.

If you are like most people, you may have already fallen off track. But, it's not really your fault! Today we learned that only 8% of people stick to their resolutions. Why? Because in order to make a solid change, you have to give yourself time to break habits and create new ones: this is known to take 21 days, but in actuality its 60-90 days! And the first 2-3 weeks is the HARDEST! Making changes from what you are used to, is hard. Testing your will power is hard (my weakest area!).. Its an un-natural feeling. However, with my help you can stay consistent in reaching your goals. With me and the challenge group- you get that accountability that keeps you going when you really don't want to! You check in daily, to let everyone know- you're doing this and you are staying committed. But you also post your struggles and questions. We are building new habits. We are refining discipline. We are focusing on our WHY and our GOALS.
resolution, resolution re do, challenge group, lose weight, 21 day fix, lose baby weight, workout for new mom, someecard, funny, weight loss, lose fat

Start with these simple steps:
1. Write down the reasons WHY you want to make health and fitness changes
2. Write down your goals ... be specific (I can help you with this)
3. Join my next free 30 day challenge group to keep yourself accountable to changing your habits
How do you do #3? We figure out the best workout program for you, combine it with Shakeology: {the healthiest meal of the day: helps you curb cravings, regulate digestive system, gives you sustained energy, repairs muscles, aids in weight loss and helps your body the way its supposed to!}, and start meal planning to make smarter food choices. The 21 Day Fix is, in my opinion, the best program to start with, however we will make the best choice for YOUR goals and what YOU like to do! There are even other options that are on sale this month as well.
resolution, resolution re do, challenge group, lose weight, 21 day fix, lose baby weight, workout for new mom
In December I was talking to a friend about New Year resolutions statisics and how low the number was on those who achieve their goals. I said to her... I really want to change that number! There is no reason that you shouldn't be able to be happy, confident in your skin, and health for you and your family! I would love to be by your side to make that happen. Please message me on Facebook or email me at to get started!
resolution, resolution re do, challenge group, lose weight, 21 day fix, lose baby weight, workout for new mom, live your life
XO- Coach Sarah

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Super Weekend Recap: INSPIRING

super saturday, work from home
Super Saturay (ie Friday night)
This weekend I headed to Pittsburgh with a Sarah, a Sara and Leah...we basically decided that if your name is Sara(h) you have to be a Beachbody coach, haha! We had another girl we met up with in the Burgh, and here name was Sarah too! It was definitely the running joke and we are still talking about Sarah Sandwiches...
I went to Pittsburgh for the first Super Saturday of the year. Super Saturday is held quarterly and to kick off the new year, I love heading to the big event (as opposed to hosting 5 people in my garage: haha!). This year was extra special because we were celebrating our upline coach, Melanie Mitro,  achieving #1 coach in the entire company! Our CEO Carl Daikeler and celebrity trainer (and creator of the 21 Day Fix) Autumn Calabrese made the trip to make even more memorable.

2015, work from home, extra money, beachbody, coach

2015, work from home, extra money, beachbody, coach, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese
It was seriously really awesome having them there, but honestly the most memorable was hearing Katy share her story. I have heard it, she has talked to us about some of it, we know it was a trying year for her...but seeing the whole video, knowing everyone was going to understand the year she had conquering Stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma, building her business, being was emotional.

cancer, katy ursta, hodgkin's lymphoma, cancer sucks, support
I absolutely love this picture
It was inspiring. It was a reminder that she has proven that ANYthing is possible with a positive mind and a passionate heart.
2015, work from home, extra money, beachbody, coach

Another emotional moment was hearing three amazing transformation stories from three incredible women. You know as coaches, we are always saying we just want to help people! I absolutely love transformation stories, they are my favorite. So seeing them up on the big screen, hearing their stories and then SEEING them WALK on stage is such an incredible full circle moment. I absolutely love the message that Rachel gives at the end! Get your tissues.
We worked out with Autumn Calabrese trying out her new program 21 Day Fix Extreme. By we I mean me and hundreds of other people! It was seriously amazing to do that live workout, we were bumping into one another, trying to find space but the energy was awesome. And I got my butt kicked! Before the workout I was able to meet her for a quick minute and take a picture!
Carl watching over us trying out 21 Day Fix Extreme

2015, work from home, extra money, beachbody, coach, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese

Saturday we woke up, did an live Insanity workout (awesome music!) and then we got ready to go to our coach training, led by some of the leaders on our team. I've been in this business for two years, and I still wrote notes. I love hearing how other people run their business. So many different backgrounds, start up stories, so much trial and error, so much overcoming disbelief- it is so inspiring.

2015, work from home, extra money, beachbody, coach, live workout, insanity, selfie
Love these girls! So glad to have my coach Sarah K with me, too!
2015, work from home, extra money, beachbody, coach, girlboss, starbucks
fire lit!
After our training, we grabbed some lunch, had great conversation and then headed back to the hotel. I got ready for the Diamond dinner that Katy was taking us to, to celebrate our hard work and success from 2014! It felt so good for all of us to be together and just hang out! It was a beautiful restaurant as well. Downtown Pittsburgh is a really cool place...I cant wait to go back when its over 10 degrees haha.
The Knockout Brigade Diamonds

Love my bracelet Katy! So thoughtful
After dinner, we headed to Perle, a champagne bar, where the Dream Team Celebration was taking place. Melanie Mitro  achieved #1 in the entire company this year! A title well deserved. She is one of the most hard working, caring, creative, supportive and driven people I know! I am fortunate to have her as a mentor and up line coach!

2015, work from home, extra money, beachbody, coach, top coach, melanie mitro
Congrats Mel!
Man, I seriously love our team! It was great to let loose, mingle, and connect with each other outside of Facebook, texts and Zoom!
love all of these ladies!
I'm very thankful for technology as that's pretty much how I have a business, but there is something about attending these events that brings it to a whole other level, and leaves me pumped with motivation!

2015, work from home, extra money, beachbody, coach, part time job, girlboss, sahm
Sunday morning we headed home, with a five hour drive ahead of us. I really needed this weekend away, but I was so happy to be home to my two kids and of course Matt. My WHY!
I know this coaching thing isn't for everyone. You have to be pretty open minded and willing to put in some work and have (or be willing to work towards) a positive mindset. If you have a sense of humor, are more on the laid back side, motivated and truly care about others well being, and a big dreamer! I would really love to have you join our Beachbody family! We have an opportunity call on Thursday, led by Katy Ursta. If you aren't moved by her and her story, I'm not sure we can be friends. really ;)

Let me know in the comments below or via message on FB or email if you would like the link for the call or fill out the application below!

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Fresh|Start Simple Tips

Happy Sunday!
I wanted to write up a blog post and give you some simple tips to follow when you're starting on your health and fitness path. It can be so easy to go ALL in for a week and then just quit when it becomes overwhelming or you have a few slip ups. If your new years resolution is to lose weight and get healthy..check out this basic tips (that you have probably heard before). So my first tip is: 

Set specific/measurable/attainable/realistic/time bound goals:IE SMART
What does that mean exactly? Lets break down a goal. "I want to lose weight"
Specific: (who what when where why) I want to lose 20lbs by April 1, 2015 by doing the 21 Day Fix program
Measurable: (how will you measure your progress?)I will take pictures and measurements every Sunday
Attainable: (Am I able to attain this goal?)Yes: that is 4lbs a month
Realistic: (Am I willing and able to to work towards this goal?) Only you can decide
Time: By April 1, 2015
TIP; set short term goals: even as short as weekly goals like drinking more water, and  having a health breakfast

OK now that we have that set- we can go on to the more simple tips!

 Most people know water is good for you, but have no idea HOW good and how much it effects our body, mood, weight loss ect. But drinking more water is one of the easiest things TO do and also one of the easiest thing NOT to do. You should aim to drink half your weight in ounces of water. So if you weigh 140: you should be drinking 70 oz. of water a day. I know for teachers and nurses who can't hit the bathroom often, that can be difficult. So what you do is plan it around when you can and CHUG. If you are a teacher: have some on the way to work, on break, and then drink most of your water after work. If you need an actual schedule to follow to help your body adjust and get into the habit, let me know and I can message you one. One of my favorite ways to drink water is to add lemon, cucumbers and mint- which is also a natural detox!
water, benefits of drinking water, weight loss, detox water

Sleep is one of the most important things we can do to help our bodies function better. We all know, when we don't get enough sleep we are cranky, eat to comfort cravings, and need to drink more caffeine to help us stay alert. also effects how our body runs inside way more than we realize. Your body (like your liver which detoxifies our body from everything, including hormones between 1am-3am) is working to repair and do its job when we are in a deep can't do that if we are only getting 4 hours of sleep. You truly need 7-8 hours of quality sleep. Also when your body is under less stress, it doesn't create as much cortisol (belly fat!).

Don't eat 3 Hours before bed
This links to the above tip. Going back to the liver example, if you are eating ice cream right before bed...its damaging to the liver when we eat late- therefore its not able to do its job. Eating before bed can also cause heartburn, It can also cause weight gain because the foods we want to munch on before bed- aren't usually the healthiest. If you find yourself wanting a snack: tell yourself that the kitchen is CLOSED and make yourself a hot green tea, or sleepy time tea. It is a hard habit to break, trust me- I'm a stay at home mom so night time is MY time and I usually want a snack when I'm doing whatever I'm doing whether its catching up on DVR or doing some Beachbody work. However,  I noticed a huge difference when I stopped. 

Choose a workout you enjoy
This doesn't necessarily mean you have to love to workout. But whatever workout you decide to do, you should be able to look forward to it- not put it off or even skip because you are dreading it. Whether you like cardio, weight lifting, pilates, yoga or a mixture of them all. We can talk and I can help fit you with one you can do right at home. Working out and eating healthy is NOT a one size fits all kind of thing. You have to find what works for YOU, and make it a habit. That is when your true lifestyle change happens.
fitness, workout, beachbody, 21 day fix, insanity, lose weight

Keep track of your food
You don't even have to download My Fitness Pal (unless that works for you). I'm not good at that- but I am a pencil and paper kind of girl so give me a notebook and I'll track what I'm eating. You may "think" you're eating healthy but a quick review shows your actually slipping up or eating your kids leftovers more often times than you realized. And just because you don't write it down, doesn't mean your body doesn't know. Just be honest with yourself so you can truly make changes where needs be. This also may help you realize what foods your body doesn't agree with. So if you eat something, and feel sick or bloated afterwards- write that note down next to the food.

Think Positive
It's so easy to talk negatively to ourselves and put ourselves down. Next time you find yourself doing this- stop and think, "Would I say this to my sister, daughter, mother?". If not DO not say it to yourself. You have to believe in yourself and know you are capable of reaching your goals. Stop putting yourself down. Surround yourself with people who have the same goals as yourself. Don't worry about what others think of you. Use positive affirmations and positive self talk. This definitely takes practice, and it may help to read some personal development books to help you with this. Another thing you can do is keep a gratitude journal. Every night before bed, write down what you are grateful for and even what you achieved that day. Focusing on the positive rather than the negative. 
how to think positive, positive thinking, lose weight, positive body image

I have so many more tips. I share this kind of stuff along with nutrition, workout, and personal development information in my online challenge groups. If you would like to be apart of the next one starting January 5th, fill out the information below. I would love to help you reach your health, fitness, and wellness goals! 

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