A little TBT action for you. I thought I would bring back something I did for a little while which was FASQ: Frequently Asked Shakeology Questions.
Today my mom texted me and asked me if you need to take supplements with Shakeology. My first response was- "Not usually, I don't. Pregnant women who drink Shakeology do take Folic Acid."
However, every person is different and so if you need a specific supplement you should talk it over with your doctor.
It lead me to do a little digging, however, and this is what I found and wanted to share with you all incase you were ever wondering as well! This is straight from Beachbody and their position on Shakeology and multivitamins/supplements.
Should I Continue to Take Multivitamins and Supplements Along With Shakeology?
Because of the way Shakeology is formulated, one shake pretty much covers your body’s normal daily requirement for vitamins and minerals. However, if you’re following a recommended exercise routine, your body is likely using up those nutrients at a faster rate. For example, if you’re doing P90X or Insanity—hard-charging routines that burn more calories along with vitamins and minerals—you may need some additional supplementation. Due to the digestive enzymes in Shakeology, taking multivitamins at the same time you drink Shakeology will help your body to better absorb all the nutrients. If you are taking any other supplements in addition to Shakeology, your total intake to ensure you do not exceed Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for copper is 10mg/day, for magnesium 350 mg/day, for manganese 11 mg/day, and for zinc 40mg/day.
Can I Drink Shakeology in Addition to P90X Results and Recovery Formula?
Yes, but not together! Results and Recovery Formula should only be taken during or after exercise, when you’ve been exhausting your body’s blood sugar. At any other time, Shakeology is the better option. {oops I guess this means no more mixing R&R with my Vanilla Shakeology- learned something today!}
Should I Still Take an Omega Supplement?
While the flax seed and chia seeds in Shakeology provide some omega-3 fatty acids, it is still recommended that you take Omega-3 supplements to meet your daily requirement
How About Calcium Supplements with Shakeology?
The recommended daily allowance of calcium is 1,200mg/day for women and 1,500mg/day for post-menopausal women. Shakeology provides 500mg of calcium, so it is recommended to supplement with additional calcium sources to meet the daily recommended allowance. Due to the digestive enzymes in Shakeology, taking calcium supplements at the same time you drink Shakeology will help your body to better absorb the nutrients.
Does Drinking Shakeology Mean I don’t Have to Eat Any More Veggies?
Unfortunately, no. Fresh fruits and vegetables will always be important for a healthy, balanced diet. Shakeology can help you fill in the nutritional gaps that occur when you’re too busy to eat the right balance of fruits and veggies. Plus, it’s much easier to tuck into a purse or backpack than a head of lettuce! As good as Shakeology is, veggies are still the best source of vitamins and minerals.
Is it OK to Drink More than One Serving of Shakeology Per Day? Or to Replace More than One Meal Per Day?
Yes, but it is not recommended to replace more than 2 meals per day.
If you have any other questions, message me on Facebook or leave a comment below. I also have 5 available Shakeology sampler kits for $25 each and it includes a 5 day meal plan with it! Woop woop! Shakeology provides the proper carb to protein ration in order to keep you full longer and give your body the nutrition it needs to have energy through the day! It's been my go to healthiest meal of the day for almost 2 years and I want it to be apart of yours. It's changed so many lives already, and now its your turn!
XO- Coach Sarah