Even if you're not on a real budget, who doesn't want to save money on groceries? I'm a stay at home mom who also has to buy diapers, wipes and milk like their going out of style...so I'm all about saving money on the grocery bill. There are more ways and tips than what I will be talking about, so please feel free to add them or ask me to explain more on any of the things I list.
Ok so lets first start off with some basic, cheap healthy food you can add to your grocery list:
Some things, like strawberries, for example are wayyyy more expensive in the off season. So I just don't buy them then. Google what fruits and vegetables are in season and go by that list. Oatmeal is a breakfast staple in my house. And NO not pre packaged oatmeal. Old fashioned oats that you can add cinnamon, blueberries, and stevia to!
To the list I want to add eggs!
I don't want any hate mail on advising you to not buy organic. Buying organic definitely has its benefits, but also it is more expensive. Here is a list of produce you should aim to buy organic if you can spend a little extra:
Ok now for our precious little ones. Here are some snacks that my kids enjoy...time to ditch the cookies and fruit snacks!
Before I go into my long list of tips... I first want to mention some things you can cut back on to help save on your grocery bill!
Laundry detergent- yeah some smell better than others but they all get the job done. Paper towels- if you're like me you use them a little too much. So buy the cheap kind or I even found adorable reusable ones on etsy. TP is for your butt, seriously lets not get fancy pants. Try out store brands, you may be suprised! I use store brand for a lot of things I buy. Kcups are freekin expensive. Buy the cheaper kind or suck it up and use the good ol coffee pot. Aside from the fact that my Keurig has been acting up and Matt had enough of it for the last year (oops), we have our back up coffee pot plugged in and its been just fine. Ditch the bottled water, buy reusable water bottles and fill them with the Brita! I'm not saying you'll never see me with a bottled water or SmartWater (that I refill with my fridge) but it's just another area you can cut back on.
ALLLLLRIGHT now for the motherload of randomness. This is a list I compiled in my notebook of other ways you can save. Ready? Get writing. Or printing.
This may be obvious, but most of the things I've listed are not PROCESSED CRAP. Buying healthy is more expensive if you don't do your research (which is why I'm hoping you're reading this). Eating healthier will also save you money by saving you in medical bills and medicine in the future!
-Buy some things from the freezer section. Like broccoli, green peppers, and fruit (for smoothies). Not processed "meals" loaded with artifcial ingredients and things you can't pronounce.
- Bring your calculator when shopping. I write down the cost of what I'm buying on my list and add as I go. True story. I dont care!
- Use produce scale. For the longest time I was over purchasing price per pound!
- Put your salad/lettuce in tupperware
-Plan your meals. Future blog post on this. Heres a blog I really like, and an article she wrote that may help with meal prepping.
-Use leftovers for other meals.
-Replace a meal day with a shake, like Shakeology.
-Use same ingredients for other meals. Peppers, broccoli, onions- great for an omelette and stir fry.
-Use the crockpot. Minimal ingredients...big taste!
-Use your store discount card
-Check for coupons. Duh. I'm not talking being a crazy couponer but even if you just remember to use a few coupons you have you could save $10.
- Shop different stores. Buy things you KNOW you'll use alot of at somewhere like SAMS club. Basic things at Bottom Dollar Food or Wal-Mart. Go to a local butcher. Go to Farmers Markets.
-Go to all of those places without the kids! Less frustrating and less asking for stuff.
-Watch your portoins. There is no point on saving money on healthy food if you're just eating the same portions. Its not helping your waist or your wallet.
One last thing I want to mention is if you really enjoy eating healthy and fitness you should consider becoming a Beachbody Coach. How would an extra $200, $500 or more help your family? We are low on cash due to the birthday party we had for my now three year old! So getting paid yesterday allowed me to head to the store and get some groceries my fridge desperatley needed!
I got that, diapers, milk and other things for $100 even.
If you want to reach your health, fitness and financial goals, and want to help others do the same, I invite you to join a call next Wednesday 9/11 to learn what being a coach is all about!
Happy Shopping!